
About me

Estate Agents don’t have the best of reputations and in many cases justifiably so. There, I said it.

But let me stick up for those of us who genuinely care to see you happy while you go through your selling and buying process.

From the moment you contact me, I am engaged.

I will ask questions, delve deeper into our conversation and figure out how to tailor my services for you.

You might be someone who rings up, not really knowing which direction to take but that is my job to help you figure that out, or you might be someone who knows exactly what they want but doesn’t have the tools to get them there.

I will show you what I can do to help and that is showing you what my work ethic is like and I go by the saying,

“If the answer is no, then you’re asking the wrong person”.

So even if I didn’t know the answer, I’ll find out or know someone who will.

I have been an Estate Agent for 6 years, loved every minute. Working for one of the most established, national High Street Estate Agents in the UK, alongside so many agents who I admire for their knowledge in sales and negotiation and on a genuine customer service level.

I have now made the decision to do what I’m naturally good at, on my own terms to meet the standard I strive for.

Contact just within the 9-5 opening times, Monday to Friday isn’t enough anymore, flexibility is needed and that’s what I have. I want clients to know they can contact me at a time that fits within their schedule to create a more relaxed process.

I wanted to also be flexible on location to be able to meet my clients at a place that more suits us both rather than an office that might not always be convenient for the client.

With all that said, my service promise to you is that I know I can’t guarantee every single person’s happiness on the planet, I am also realistic, but what I will guarantee is that I will always do my absolute honest best to try.

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